Institute of Criminology
University of Cambridge
Cambridge CB3 9DA
United Kingdom


Charles Lanfear

Assistant Professor, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge

Postdoctoral Researcher, Nuffield College, University of Oxford

Research Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford


PhD, Sociology, University of Washington, 2021

MA, Sociology, University of Washington, 2017

MPP, Public Policy, Oregon State University, 2013

BA, Sociology, Oregon State University, 2010


CC Lanfear. (Forthcoming). Comment: Testing a unified anomie and choice model of offender decision making. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics

R Wickes, CC Lanfear. (Forthcoming). Collective efficacy and crime in urban neighborhoods. Handbook on Cities and Crime. Edward Elgar Publishing

CC Lanfear, DS Kirk. 2024. The promise and perils of the sharing economy: The impact of Airbnb lettings on crime. Criminology 62(4)

CC Lanfear, DS Kirk, RJ Sampson. 2024. Dual pathways of concealed gun carrying and use from adolescence to adulthood over a 25-year era of change. Science Advances 10(49)

RJ Sampson, CC Lanfear. 2024. Disentangling gun ownership and leanings to political violence in unstable times. JAMA Network Open 7(4)

CC Lanfear, R Bucci, DS Kirk, RJ Sampson. 2023. Inequalities in exposure to firearm violence by race, sex, and birth cohort from childhood to age 40 years, 1995-2021. JAMA Network Open 6(5)

CC Lanfear. 2022. Collective efficacy and the built environment. Criminology 60(2)

RM Shaffer, JE Forsyth, G Ferraro, C Till, LM Carlson, K Hester, A Haddock, J Strawbridge, CC Lanfear, H Hu, EF Kirrane. 2022. Lead exposure and antisocial behavior: A systematic review protocol. Environment International 168

CC Lanfear, RL Matsueda, LR Beach. 2020. Broken windows, informal social control, and crime: Assessing causality in empirical studies. Annual Review of Criminology 3

RL Matsueda, CC Lanfear. 2020. Differential Association Theory. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Ed.

RL Matsueda, CC Lanfear. 2020. Collective action, rational choice, and gang delinquency: Appreciating Short and Strodtbeck (1965). Social Bridges and Contexts in Criminology and Sociology: Reflections on the Intellectual Legacy of James F. Short, Jr. Routledge

CC Lanfear, LR Beach, TA Thomas. 2018. Formal social control in changing neighborhoods: Racial implications of neighborhood context on reactive policing. City & Community 17(4)

BC Burkhardt, SM Akins, J Sassaman, S Jackson, K Elwer, CC Lanfear, M Amorim, KM Stevens. 2017. University researcher and law enforcement collaboration: Lessons from a study of justice-involved persons with suspected mental illness. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 61(5)

SM Akins, BC Burkhardt, CC Lanfear. 2016. Law enforcement response to “frequent fliers” An examination of high-frequency contacts between police and justice-involved persons with mental illness. Criminal Justice Policy Review 27(1)

CC Lanfear, SM Akins, CJ Mosher. 2013. Examining the relationship of substance use and sexual orientation. Deviant Behavior 34(7)

SM Akins, CC Lanfear, S Cline, CJ Mosher. 2013. Patterns and correlates of adult American Indian substance use. Journal of Drug Issues 43(4)


CC Lanfear. 2022. Expert report: Hunters Capital, LLC v. City of Seattle (client). Case No. 20-cv-00983 TSZ, US District Court, Western District of Washington

CC Lanfear. 2019. Terry stop bias report. Seattle Police Department

RD Crutchfield, A Harris, CC Lanfear, TA Thomas. 2017. UWPD racial bias in contacts analysis. Office of the University of Washington President

CC Lanfear. 2014. 2013 county jail survey executive summary. Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs

SM Akins, BC Burkhardt, CC Lanfear, KM Stevens, M Amorim. 2013. Law enforcement response to people with mental illnesses in Benton County. Benton County Sheriff’s Office and the Willamette Criminal Justice Commission


Dual pathways of concealed gun carrying and use from adolescence to adulthood over a 25-year era of change. National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms, Seattle, WA, Dec 10, 2024

Mid-life health consequences of exposure to gun violence. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 15, 2024

Reassessing ‘The effect of the Seattle police-free CHOP zone on crime’: A counterfactual critique. European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Bucharest, RO, Sep 13, 2024

Reciprocal relationships, reverse causality, and temporal ordering: Testing theories with cross-lagged panel models. European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Bucharest, RO, Sep 13, 2024

Exposure to gun violence and concealed gun carrying from childhood to age 40 over a 25-year era of change. National Collaborative on Gun Violence Research Webinar Series, Jul 9, 2024

Disorder and social control: Experimental evidence on prosocial and antisocial decision making. Nigel Walker Symposium, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, May 30, 2024

Life-course processes as cause and effect of change in gun violence. Workshop on Changes in Society, Welfare, Penalty, Law and Justice, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Oñati, ES, May 17, 2024

Gun carrying over the life course: Onset, continuity, and exposure to gun violence from adolescence to early adulthood. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 15, 2023

A micro theory of crime opportunities: Symbolic interaction among motivated offenders, suitable targets, and capable guardians. European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Florence, IT, Sep 8, 2023

Inequalities in life course exposure to gun violence. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Nov 18, 2022

Inequalities in life course exposure to gun violence. European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Malaga, ES, Sep 22, 2022

Cohort differences in gun use and exposure to gun violence in a 25-year study of Chicago children. European Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Malaga, ES, Sep 22, 2022

Property crime, fear of crime, and social control of homelessness in Seattle. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (Canceled due to COVID-19), Nov 16, 2020

Disorder and social control: Experimental evidence on prosocial and antisocial behavior. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 14, 2019

Searching for the center (with SM Karceski). SocSem, University of Washington, Sep 27, 2019

Complaints and the social control of homelessness in Seattle. SocSem, University of Washington, Jan 16, 2019

Disorder and social control. SocSem, University of Washington, Oct 26, 2018

Disorder in the neighborhood: A large-scale field experiment on disorder, norm violation, and pro-social behavior. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Nov 16, 2016

Formal social control in changing Seattle neighborhoods. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Aug 21, 2016

Racial and social control in changing neighborhoods: Who complains to the police and why it matters. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Aug 20, 2016

Frequent flyers and civil commitment: Repeat police contacts with mentally ill suspects. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov 20, 2014

Police contacts with people with mental illness in Benton County. Willamette Criminal Justice Commission, Corvallis, OR, Jan 22, 2014


Criminological Research Methods, University of Cambridge - 3 terms, 2022⁠–⁠2024

Introduction to Quantitative Analysis, University of Cambridge - 3 terms, 2022⁠–⁠2024

Criminology (SOC371), University of Washington - 2 terms, 2020⁠–⁠2021

Introduction to R for Social Scientists (CSSS508), University of Washington - 9 terms, 2017⁠–⁠2021

Introduction to Social Statistics (SOC221), University of Washington, 2017


Research Fellowship, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 2021⁠–⁠2022

Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Washington, 2020

Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award - Social Sciences, University of Washington, 2018

Best Graduate Instructor, Sociology Department, University of Washington, 2018⁠–⁠2019

Outstanding Performance for the Master of Arts, Sociology Department, University of Washington, 2017⁠–⁠2018

CSDE Lightning Talk and Poster Session - Best Poster, Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington, 2017

Blalock Fellowship, Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington, 2014

Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship, Oregon State University, 2012⁠–⁠2013

Laurels Graduate Scholarship, Oregon State University, 2011⁠–⁠2012


Admissions Committee, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, 2023⁠–⁠2024

Risk Assessment Committee, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge, 2023⁠–⁠2024

Faculty Search Committee (2 searches), Sociology Department, University of Washington, 2019

Graduate Student Association President, Sociology Department, University of Washington, 2018⁠–⁠2019

Associate Student Editor, Social Problems, 2016⁠–⁠2017

Graduate Student Association Representative to CS&SS, Sociology Department, University of Washington, 2015⁠–⁠2018


Associate, Department of Sociology, Harvard University

Associate Member, Nuffield College, University of Oxford


American Journal of Sociology

Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health


Criminology & Criminal Justice


European Journal of Criminology

Indian Law Review

International Migration Review

Journal of Criminology

Journal of Quantitative Criminology

Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Journal of Urban Affairs

Justice Quarterly



Social Problems


Natalia Cabrera-Morales, PhD, University of Cambridge, Present