class: center, top, title-slide .title[ # Critiquing Quantitative Research ] .subtitle[ ## CRM Seminar 8 ] .author[ ### Charles Lanfear ] .date[ ### 26 Nov 2024
Updated: 24 Nov 2024 ] --- # Dual Purposes Being a critical consumer of research * This is the focus for today -- Being a critical producer of research * Turning critical consumption on yourself -- ‌Goal: Recognizing **rigour** * Adherence to best practices * Self-critical research -- .text-center[ *Rigorous research is doing the best with what is available and being honest about the process, limitations, and inferences that can be made* ] --- class: inverse # Validity ![:width 60%](img/farrington.PNG) --- # Types of Validity Internal validity * **Identification** * Congruence between theory and method -- Construct Validity * **Measurement** * Congruence between conceptualization and operationalization -- External validity * **Generalizability** * Sample-to-population or inter-population inference -- Farrington separates out: * Statistical conclusion validity * Descriptive validity --- # Internal Validity **Internal validity** is the degree to which the quantity of interest is **identified** -- * Causal: Are we confident the observed effect is due to the treatment? * Non-causal: Are we confident the observed quantity is close to the quantity in the population? * e.g., a prevalence, mean, or association -- Things to look out for: * Well-explained **data generating process** (week 4) * Sufficient **statistical power** * Plausible **effect sizes** --- # Data Generating Process The key to establishing internal validity is *accurately modeling the relevant parts of the **data generating process*** -- When reading research: * Draw the DAG for papers you read closely * Evaluate it carefully * If it is important, run it by a colleague or mentor -- When conducting research: * **Always draw the DAG** * Always have colleagues or mentors look at it * Use it to guide your analysis * Include the DAG in your paper if it is illustrative -- .text-center[ *Authors should make a convincing case for their model of the DGP* ] --- # Statistical Power The ability to *detect a meaningful effect* is a requirement for valid results -- .pull-left[ ‌Power: * ↑ with sample size * ↑ with strength of effect * ↓ with confidence level * ↓ with noise ] .pull-right[ ![:width 90%](img/power-analysis.png) ] -- Differentiate between **precise nulls** and inconclusive evidence * A precise near-zero estimate is evidence for *absence of an effect* * A low precision insignificant estimate is not evidence for *no effect* .text-center[ *Be wary of claims from underpowered studies<br>(e.g., with large confidence intervals)* ] --- # Effect Sizes Rigorous research will usually report and interpret **effect sizes** * e.g., "Cleared lots displayed 30% less crime than uncleared lots" * Larger effects are more **substantively significant** -- Be suspicious of *very strong effects*, especially for minor treatments * e.g., "rates of theft were 100% higher under the litter treatment" -- Be suspicious of *too much explained variation* * e.g., "eviction explains the entire effect of socioeconomic disadvantage on crime rates" -- .text-center[ *The more variation one factor explains, the less others can explain* *In complex data generating processes, it is unlikely that changing a single factor will cause large differences in the outcome* ] --- # Estimation Complications Thus far we've left out most of the technical details of **estimation** -- .pull-left[ For example: * Functional forms * i.e., curved lines ] .pull-right[ ![](slides_critiquing-quantitative-research_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # Estimation Complications Thus far we've left out most of the technical details of **estimation** .pull-left[ For example: * Functional forms * i.e., curved lines * Discrete and categorical outcomes ] .pull-right[ ![](img/poisson-residuals.png) [Source: The Analysis Factor]( ] --- count:false # Estimation Complications Thus far we've left out most of the technical details of **estimation** .pull-left[ For example: * Functional forms * i.e., curved lines * Discrete and categorical outcomes * Missing data ] .pull-right[ ![](img/multiple-imputation.png) [Source: Lo et al. (2019)]( ] --- count:false # Estimation Complications Thus far we've left out most of the technical details of **estimation** .pull-left[ For example: * Functional forms * i.e., curved lines * Discrete and categorical outcomes * Missing data * Temporal and spatial effects ] .pull-right[ ![:width 75%](img/imai-fe.jpg) [Source: Imai & Kim (2019)]( ] -- .text-center[ *These are all important* ] -- .text-center[ *But only if the main identification strategy is correct!* ] --- # Construct Validity .text-center[ *Do your measured variables capture the concepts in the DGP that you're interested in?* ] ![](slides_critiquing-quantitative-research_files/figure-html/dag-1-1.svg)<!-- --> -- Common problems: * Bad proxies / poor **convergent validity** * Measures that don't capture the unobservable of interest -- * Poor **discriminant validity** * Measures that are indistinguishable from competing constructs -- * Measurement error and low reliability * Measures that contain excess random (or non-random) variation -- * **Inconsistent treatments** --- # Consistency **Consistency** is a necessary assumption of identifying causal effects -- * There is only **one** type of treatment for any measured level * e.g., clearing a vacant lot as paving it vs. creating a park * **Compound treatment**: Multiple treatments inadvertently analyzed as if a single treatment -- * An experimentally-assigned treatment is identical to the naturally-assigned one of interest * e.g., litter placed on a sidewalk is equivalent to "natural" litter -- Consistency is a *major threat* to experimental research * Implausible or unnatural lab and field experiment treatments * Some treatments are inseparable from other conditions -- .text-center[ *If a treatment sounds contrived, it is probably inconsistent* ] --- # External Validity *Would the results look similar in a new context?* -- Threats to external validity: * **Non-representative samples** * Treatment effect may only exist in this sample * Treatment effects may *differ* across populations -- * **Inconsistent treatments** * Treatment effect may not exist when treatment is assigned naturally * Realistic treatments may only exist in less-controlled contexts -- * **Context-dependent results** * Same units may behave differently in other contexts * Underlying data generating process can *change* -- .text-center[ *External validity is difficult to establish, but mechanisms and sample info can be suggestive* ] --- # General Signs of Rigour Rigorous research typically displays most or all of these signs: -- * Transparent * Everything that was done is reported in detail * Decisions are noted and justified * **Reproducible** with **open data** * **Pre-registered** if testing hypotheses -- * Careful * Acknowledges alternative explanations * Uses (non-trivial) sensitivity or robustness tests -- * Honest * Provides realistic implications—doesn't overhype * Describes assumptions and consequences if violated * Suggests ways to further test the findings --- # Severe Testing .pull-left-60[ > One does not have evidence for a claim if nothing has been done to rule out ways the claim may be false. (Mayo 2018:5) > If little or nothing has been done to rule out flaws in inferring a claim, then it has not passed a severe test... A claim is severely tested to the extent it has been subjected to and passes a test that probably would have found flaws, were they present. (Mayo 2018:xii) ] .pull-right-40[ ![](img/mayo.jpg) ] --- class: inverse # Quantitative Skepticism ![:width 40%](img/skepticism.gif) --- # Science is Cumulative Most new novel findings are wrong -- *So, when should you trust a finding?* -- When it is **replicated** * The more often something is found, the more you should be convinced -- When it is **triangulated** * The more something is found using different data sets and analysis approaches, the more you should be convinced * *Corollary*: If something is only found using the same methods or with the same kind of data, you should be *more skeptical* -- It is **compatible** with other trustworthy findings * If the finding would overturn a well-established literature, you should be more skeptical --- # Goodhart's Law > When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure ([Goodhart 1975](; [Strathern 1997](<305::AID-EURO184>3.0.CO;2-4)). -- .pull-left[ Goodhardt's law produces **perverse incentives**: Incentives that encourage *the opposite* of what was intended * *Great Hanoi Rat Massacre* * Crime rates and politics * Use of force and depolicing * *Academic publishing!* ] .pull-right[ ![](img/cobra-farming.PNG) ] -- .text-center[ *This is a severe problem for measures of crime and police effectiveness* ] --- # Peer Review .pull-left[ A lot of great research is a struggle to get published A lot of bad research gets published in high profile outlets ] .pull-right[ ![](img/retracted.png) ] -- Being in a particular journal is a weak signal of quality for individual papers * The publication process is *highly random* -- Despite this, some journals are consistently very good<sup>1</sup> * Good editors and editorial teams * Ability to effectively solicit good reviewers .footnote[[1] This is area specific—ask your mentors!] --- # Secondhand Accounts Authors commonly misstate the findings of cited papers * Citing based on statements found in other articles * Citing based on abstract, or worse, title * Reading but misunderstanding -- If authors make past research sound crazy, they're typically... * Purposefully misrepresenting it * Misunderstanding it -- Don't contribute to this yourself: * Don't cite things you didn't read * Don't cite things you don't understand * Get help to understand important but challenging research -- .text-center[ *Science is mostly reading other people's work* ] --- class:inverse # A Quick Reading Suggestion ![:width 80%](img/spiderman.jpg) .footnote[ Source: [Road Trip with Raj @ unsplash]( ] --- # Review Papers Reviews make literatures manageable for new scholars and practitioners .pull-left-60[ * Summary reviews * Focus: Summarizing area * Audience: Newcomers * Great starting point ] .pull-right-40[ ![](img/wilcox-cullen.png) ] --- count: false # Review Papers Reviews make literatures manageable for new scholars and practitioners .pull-left-60[ * Summary reviews * Focus: Summarizing area * Audience: Newcomers * Great starting point * Systematic reviews * Focus: Assessing evidence * Audience: Decisionmakers * Systematic search process ] .pull-right-40[ ![](img/systematic.png) ] --- count: false # Review Papers Reviews make literatures manageable for new scholars and practitioners .pull-left-60[ * Summary reviews * Focus: Summarizing area * Audience: Newcomers * Great starting point * Systematic reviews * Focus: Assessing evidence * Audience: Decisionmakers * Systematic search process * Critical reviews * Focus: Gaps / challenges * Audience: Area researchers * New research directions ] .pull-right-40[ ![](img/arc.png) ] --- class: inverse # Wrap-Up The quantitative half of the course is now over! ![](img/shawshank.png)