
Pronto! is Seattle’s bike sharing program, which launched in fall 2014. You may have seen the green bike docks around campus. It was also in the news frequently and eventually shut down.

You will be using data from the 2015 Pronto Cycle Share Data Challenge. These are available for download as a 75 MB ZIP file from Once unzipped, the folder containing all the files is around 900 MB. The open_data_year_one folder contains a README.txt file that you should reference for documentation. Place the open_data_year_one folder in the same directory as this template.

Questions for you to answer are as quoted blocks of text. Put your code used to address these questions and any comments you have below each block. Remember the guiding DRY principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself!


The next section asks you to load the data with a loop. As an advanced alternative, you may optionally skip this and load the data using a vectorized method like lapply().

Loading the Data with a Loop

Make sure the open_data_year_one folder is in the same directory as this template. Use the list.files() on the open_data_year_one folder to return a character vector giving all the files in that folder, and store it to an object called files_in_year_one. Then use subsetting on files_in_year_one to remove the entries for README.txt (which isn’t data) and for 2015_status_data.csv (which is massive and doesn’t have interesting information, so we’re going to exclude it). Thus, files_in_year_one should be a character vector with three entries.


files_in_year_one <- list.files("open_data_year_one")[-c(2,5)]

files_in_year_one <- str_subset(list.files("open_data_year_one"), 

We want to read the remaining .csv files into data frames stored in a list called data_list. Preallocate this using data_list <- vector("list", length(files_in_year_one)).

data_list <- vector("list", length(files_in_year_one))

We would like the names of the list entries to be simpler than the file names. For example, we want to read the 2015_station_data.csv file into data_list[["station_data"]], and 2015_trip_data.csv into data_list[["trip_data"]]. So, you should make a new vector called data_list_names giving the names of the objects to read in these CSV files to using files_in_year_one. Use the str_sub() function in library(stringr) to keep the portion of the files_in_year_one entries starting from the sixth character (which will drop the 2015_ part) and stopping at number of characters of each filename string, minus 4 (which will drop the .csv part). Remember to load stringr with library and use ?str_sub in the console to get help on the function.

data_list_names <- str_sub(files_in_year_one, 6, -5)
data_list_names <- str_remove_all(files_in_year_one, "2015_|\\.csv")

Set the names for data_list using the names() function and the data_list_names vector.

names(data_list) <- data_list_names

Then, write a for() loop that uses read_csv() from the readr package to read in all the CSV files contained in the ZIP file, seq_alonging the files_in_year_one vector. Store each of these files to its corresponding entry in data_list. The data download demo might be a helpful reference.

You will want to use the cache=TRUE chunk option for this chunk—otherwise you’ll have to wait for the data to get read in every single time you knit. You will also want to make sure you are using read_csv() in the readr package and not base R’s read.csv() as readr’s version is faster, gives you a progress bar, and won’t convert all character variables to factors automatically.

for(i in seq_along(files_in_year_one)){
  data_list[[i]] <- read_csv(paste0("open_data_year_one/", files_in_year_one[i]))
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   id = col_double(),
##   name = col_character(),
##   terminal = col_character(),
##   lat = col_double(),
##   long = col_double(),
##   dockcount = col_double(),
##   online = col_character()
## )
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   trip_id = col_double(),
##   starttime = col_character(),
##   stoptime = col_character(),
##   bikeid = col_character(),
##   tripduration = col_double(),
##   from_station_name = col_character(),
##   to_station_name = col_character(),
##   from_station_id = col_character(),
##   to_station_id = col_character(),
##   usertype = col_character(),
##   gender = col_character(),
##   birthyear = col_double()
## )
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   Date = col_character(),
##   Max_Gust_Speed_MPH = col_character(),
##   Events = col_character()
## )
## i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
## List of 3
##  $ station_data: spec_tbl_df[,7] [54 x 7] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##   ..$ id       : num [1:54] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ name     : chr [1:54] "3rd Ave & Broad St" "2nd Ave & Vine St" "6th Ave & Blanchard St" "2nd Ave & Blanchard St" ...
##   ..$ terminal : chr [1:54] "BT-01" "BT-03" "BT-04" "BT-05" ...
##   ..$ lat      : num [1:54] 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 47.6 ...
##   ..$ long     : num [1:54] -122 -122 -122 -122 -122 ...
##   ..$ dockcount: num [1:54] 18 16 16 14 18 20 18 20 20 16 ...
##   ..$ online   : chr [1:54] "10/13/2014" "10/13/2014" "10/13/2014" "10/13/2014" ...
##   ..- attr(*, "spec")=
##   .. .. cols(
##   .. ..   id = col_double(),
##   .. ..   name = col_character(),
##   .. ..   terminal = col_character(),
##   .. ..   lat = col_double(),
##   .. ..   long = col_double(),
##   .. ..   dockcount = col_double(),
##   .. ..   online = col_character()
##   .. .. )
##  $ trip_data   : spec_tbl_df[,12] [142,846 x 12] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##   ..$ trip_id          : num [1:142846] 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 ...
##   ..$ starttime        : chr [1:142846] "10/13/2014 10:31" "10/13/2014 10:32" "10/13/2014 10:33" "10/13/2014 10:34" ...
##   ..$ stoptime         : chr [1:142846] "10/13/2014 10:48" "10/13/2014 10:48" "10/13/2014 10:48" "10/13/2014 10:48" ...
##   ..$ bikeid           : chr [1:142846] "SEA00298" "SEA00195" "SEA00486" "SEA00333" ...
##   ..$ tripduration     : num [1:142846] 986 926 884 866 924 ...
##   ..$ from_station_name: chr [1:142846] "2nd Ave & Spring St" "2nd Ave & Spring St" "2nd Ave & Spring St" "2nd Ave & Spring St" ...
##   ..$ to_station_name  : chr [1:142846] "Occidental Park / Occidental Ave S & S Washington St" "Occidental Park / Occidental Ave S & S Washington St" "Occidental Park / Occidental Ave S & S Washington St" "Occidental Park / Occidental Ave S & S Washington St" ...
##   ..$ from_station_id  : chr [1:142846] "CBD-06" "CBD-06" "CBD-06" "CBD-06" ...
##   ..$ to_station_id    : chr [1:142846] "PS-04" "PS-04" "PS-04" "PS-04" ...
##   ..$ usertype         : chr [1:142846] "Annual Member" "Annual Member" "Annual Member" "Annual Member" ...
##   ..$ gender           : chr [1:142846] "Male" "Male" "Female" "Female" ...
##   ..$ birthyear        : num [1:142846] 1960 1970 1988 1977 1971 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "spec")=
##   .. .. cols(
##   .. ..   trip_id = col_double(),
##   .. ..   starttime = col_character(),
##   .. ..   stoptime = col_character(),
##   .. ..   bikeid = col_character(),
##   .. ..   tripduration = col_double(),
##   .. ..   from_station_name = col_character(),
##   .. ..   to_station_name = col_character(),
##   .. ..   from_station_id = col_character(),
##   .. ..   to_station_id = col_character(),
##   .. ..   usertype = col_character(),
##   .. ..   gender = col_character(),
##   .. ..   birthyear = col_double()
##   .. .. )
##  $ weather_data: spec_tbl_df[,21] [366 x 21] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
##   ..$ Date                      : chr [1:366] "10/13/2014" "10/14/2014" "10/15/2014" "10/16/2014" ...
##   ..$ Max_Temperature_F         : num [1:366] 71 63 62 71 64 68 73 66 64 60 ...
##   ..$ Mean_Temperature_F        : num [1:366] 62 59 58 61 60 64 64 60 58 58 ...
##   ..$ Min_TemperatureF          : num [1:366] 54 55 54 52 57 59 55 55 55 57 ...
##   ..$ Max_Dew_Point_F           : num [1:366] 55 52 53 49 55 59 57 57 52 55 ...
##   ..$ MeanDew_Point_F           : num [1:366] 51 51 50 46 51 57 55 54 49 53 ...
##   ..$ Min_Dewpoint_F            : num [1:366] 46 50 46 42 41 55 53 50 46 48 ...
##   ..$ Max_Humidity              : num [1:366] 87 88 87 83 87 90 94 90 87 88 ...
##   ..$ Mean_Humidity             : num [1:366] 68 78 77 61 72 83 74 78 70 81 ...
##   ..$ Min_Humidity              : num [1:366] 46 63 67 36 46 68 52 67 58 67 ...
##   ..$ Max_Sea_Level_Pressure_In : num [1:366] 30 29.8 30 30 29.8 ...
##   ..$ Mean_Sea_Level_Pressure_In: num [1:366] 29.8 29.8 29.7 29.9 29.8 ...
##   ..$ Min_Sea_Level_Pressure_In : num [1:366] 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.8 29.7 ...
##   ..$ Max_Visibility_Miles      : num [1:366] 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ...
##   ..$ Mean_Visibility_Miles     : num [1:366] 10 9 9 10 10 8 10 10 10 6 ...
##   ..$ Min_Visibility_Miles      : num [1:366] 4 3 3 10 6 2 6 5 6 2 ...
##   ..$ Max_Wind_Speed_MPH        : num [1:366] 13 10 18 9 8 10 10 12 15 14 ...
##   ..$ Mean_Wind_Speed_MPH       : num [1:366] 4 5 7 4 3 4 3 5 8 8 ...
##   ..$ Max_Gust_Speed_MPH        : chr [1:366] "21" "17" "25" "-" ...
##   ..$ Precipitation_In          : num [1:366] 0 0.11 0.45 0 0.14 0.31 0 0.44 0.1 1.43 ...
##   ..$ Events                    : chr [1:366] "Rain" "Rain" "Rain" "Rain" ...
##   ..- attr(*, "spec")=
##   .. .. cols(
##   .. ..   Date = col_character(),
##   .. ..   Max_Temperature_F = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Mean_Temperature_F = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Min_TemperatureF = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Dew_Point_F = col_double(),
##   .. ..   MeanDew_Point_F = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Min_Dewpoint_F = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Humidity = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Mean_Humidity = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Min_Humidity = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Sea_Level_Pressure_In = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Mean_Sea_Level_Pressure_In = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Min_Sea_Level_Pressure_In = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Visibility_Miles = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Mean_Visibility_Miles = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Min_Visibility_Miles = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Wind_Speed_MPH = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Mean_Wind_Speed_MPH = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Max_Gust_Speed_MPH = col_character(),
##   .. ..   Precipitation_In = col_double(),
##   .. ..   Events = col_character()
##   .. .. )
file_paths <- paste0("open_data_year_one/", files_in_year_one)
data_list  <- lapply(file_paths, read_csv)
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   id = col_double(),
##   name = col_character(),
##   terminal = col_character(),
##   lat = col_double(),
##   long = col_double(),
##   dockcount = col_double(),
##   online = col_character()
## )
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   trip_id = col_double(),
##   starttime = col_character(),
##   stoptime = col_character(),
##   bikeid = col_character(),
##   tripduration = col_double(),
##   from_station_name = col_character(),
##   to_station_name = col_character(),
##   from_station_id = col_character(),
##   to_station_id = col_character(),
##   usertype = col_character(),
##   gender = col_character(),
##   birthyear = col_double()
## )
## -- Column specification --------------------------------------------------------
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   Date = col_character(),
##   Max_Gust_Speed_MPH = col_character(),
##   Events = col_character()
## )
## i Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
names(data_list) <- data_list_names

Fixing Data Types

Run str() on data_list and look at how the variables came in from using read_csv(). Most should be okay, but some of the dates and times may be stored as character rather than dates or POSIXct date-time values. We also have lots of missing values for gender in the trip data because users who are not annual members do not report gender.

First, patch up the missing values for gender in data_list[["trip_data"]]: if a user is a Short-Term Pass Holder, then put "Unknown" as their gender. Don’t make new objects, but rather modify the entries in data_list directly (e.g. data_list[["trip_data"]] <- data_list[["trip_data"]] %>% mutate(...).

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
data_list[["trip_data"]] %>%
  count(gender, usertype)
## # A tibble: 4 x 3
##   gender usertype                   n
##   <chr>  <chr>                  <int>
## 1 Female Annual Member          18245
## 2 Male   Annual Member          67608
## 3 Other  Annual Member           1507
## 4 <NA>   Short-Term Pass Holder 55486

Now, use dplyr’s mutate_at() and/or mutate(), functions from the lubridate package, and the factor function to (1) fix any date/times, as well as to (2) convert the usertype and gender variables to factor variables from the trip data. Don’t make new objects, but rather modify the entries in data_list directly.

data_list[["trip_data"]] <- data_list[["trip_data"]] %>%
  mutate(gender = ifelse(usertype == "Short-Term Pass Holder", "Unknown", gender)) 
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     date, intersect, setdiff, union
data_list[["trip_data"]]  <- data_list[["trip_data"]] %>%
  mutate(across(c(starttime, stoptime), mdy_hm))

data_list[["trip_data"]] %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 142,846
## Columns: 12
## $ trip_id           <dbl> 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 44~
## $ starttime         <dttm> 2014-10-13 10:31:00, 2014-10-13 10:32:00, 2014-10-1~
## $ stoptime          <dttm> 2014-10-13 10:48:00, 2014-10-13 10:48:00, 2014-10-1~
## $ bikeid            <chr> "SEA00298", "SEA00195", "SEA00486", "SEA00333", "SEA~
## $ tripduration      <dbl> 985.935, 926.375, 883.831, 865.937, 923.923, 808.805~
## $ from_station_name <chr> "2nd Ave & Spring St", "2nd Ave & Spring St", "2nd A~
## $ to_station_name   <chr> "Occidental Park / Occidental Ave S & S Washington S~
## $ from_station_id   <chr> "CBD-06", "CBD-06", "CBD-06", "CBD-06", "CBD-06", "C~
## $ to_station_id     <chr> "PS-04", "PS-04", "PS-04", "PS-04", "PS-04", "PS-04"~
## $ usertype          <chr> "Annual Member", "Annual Member", "Annual Member", "~
## $ gender            <chr> "Male", "Male", "Female", "Female", "Male", "Male", ~
## $ birthyear         <dbl> 1960, 1970, 1988, 1977, 1971, 1974, 1978, 1983, 1974~
data_list[["weather_data"]] <- data_list[["weather_data"]] %>%
  mutate(Date = mdy(Date))

data_list[["weather_data"]] %>% glimpse()
## Rows: 366
## Columns: 21
## $ Date                       <date> 2014-10-13, 2014-10-14, 2014-10-15, 2014-1~
## $ Max_Temperature_F          <dbl> 71, 63, 62, 71, 64, 68, 73, 66, 64, 60, 62,~
## $ Mean_Temperature_F         <dbl> 62, 59, 58, 61, 60, 64, 64, 60, 58, 58, 55,~
## $ Min_TemperatureF           <dbl> 54, 55, 54, 52, 57, 59, 55, 55, 55, 57, 50,~
## $ Max_Dew_Point_F            <dbl> 55, 52, 53, 49, 55, 59, 57, 57, 52, 55, 49,~
## $ MeanDew_Point_F            <dbl> 51, 51, 50, 46, 51, 57, 55, 54, 49, 53, 47,~
## $ Min_Dewpoint_F             <dbl> 46, 50, 46, 42, 41, 55, 53, 50, 46, 48, 44,~
## $ Max_Humidity               <dbl> 87, 88, 87, 83, 87, 90, 94, 90, 87, 88, 86,~
## $ Mean_Humidity              <dbl> 68, 78, 77, 61, 72, 83, 74, 78, 70, 81, 76,~
## $ Min_Humidity               <dbl> 46, 63, 67, 36, 46, 68, 52, 67, 58, 67, 62,~
## $ Max_Sea_Level_Pressure_In  <dbl> 30.03, 29.84, 29.98, 30.03, 29.83, 29.96, 2~
## $ Mean_Sea_Level_Pressure_In <dbl> 29.79, 29.75, 29.71, 29.95, 29.78, 29.90, 2~
## $ Min_Sea_Level_Pressure_In  <dbl> 29.65, 29.54, 29.51, 29.81, 29.73, 29.80, 2~
## $ Max_Visibility_Miles       <dbl> 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,~
## $ Mean_Visibility_Miles      <dbl> 10, 9, 9, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 6, 10, 10,~
## $ Min_Visibility_Miles       <dbl> 4, 3, 3, 10, 6, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 10, 8, 6, 10~
## $ Max_Wind_Speed_MPH         <dbl> 13, 10, 18, 9, 8, 10, 10, 12, 15, 14, 15, 8~
## $ Mean_Wind_Speed_MPH        <dbl> 4, 5, 7, 4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 8, 8, 9, 4, 6, 12, ~
## $ Max_Gust_Speed_MPH         <chr> "21", "17", "25", "-", "-", "-", "18", "-",~
## $ Precipitation_In           <dbl> 0.00, 0.11, 0.45, 0.00, 0.14, 0.31, 0.00, 0~
## $ Events                     <chr> "Rain", "Rain", "Rain", "Rain", "Rain", "Ra~


Identifying Trip Regions

The terminal, to_station_id, and from_station_id columns in data_list[["station_data"]] and data_list[["trip_data"]] have a two or three character code followed by a hyphen and a numeric code. These character codes convey the broad geographic region of the stations (e.g. CBD is Central Business District, PS is Pioneer Square, ID is International District). Write a function called region_extract() that can extract these region codes by taking a character vector as input and returning another character vector as output that just has these initial character codes. For example, if I run region_extract(x = c("CBD-11", "ID-01")), it should give me as output a character vector with first entry "CBD" and second entry "ID" (e.g. "CBD" "ID").

Note: if you cannot get this working and need to move on with your life, try writing your function to just take the first two characters using str_sub() and use that.


Then on data_list[["station_data"]] and data_list[["trip_data"]], make new columns called terminal_region, to_station_region, and from_station_region using your region_extract() function.


Identifying Rainy Days

The Events column in data_list[["weather_data"]] mentions if there was rain, thunderstorms, fog, etc. On some days you can see multiple weather events. Add a column to this data frame called Rain that takes the value "Rain" if there was rain, and "No rain" otherwise. You will need to use some string parsing since "Rain" is not always at the beginning of the string. The function str_detect() may be useful here, but again, if you are running short on time, just look for "Rain" at the beginning using str_sub() as a working but imperfect approach. Then convert the Rain variable to a factor.


Merging Rainy Weather and Trips

You have bike station region information now, and rainy weather information. Make a new data frame called trips_weather that joins data_list[["trip_data"]] with data_list[["weather_data"]] by trip start date so that the Rain column is added to the trip-level data (just the Rain column please, none of the rest of the weather info). You may need to do some date manipulation and extraction as seen in Week 5 slides to get a date variable from the starttime column that you can use in merging.


Making a Summarizing and Plotting Function

Now for the grand finale. Write a function daily_rain_rides() that takes as input:

  • region_code: a region code (e.g. "CBD", "UW")
  • direction: indicates whether we are thinking of trips "from" or "to" a region

and inside the function does the following:

  • Filters the data to trips that came from stations with that region code or went to stations with that region code (depending on the values of direction and region_code). For example, if I say region_code = "BT" (for Belltown) and direction = "from", then I want to keep rows for trips whose from_station_region is equal to "BT".
  • Makes a data frame called temp_df with one row per day counting how many trips were in region_code going direction. This should have columns for trip starting date, how many trips there were that day, and whether there was rain or not that day. You’ll need to use group_by() and summarize().
  • Uses temp_df to make a ggplot scatterplot (geom_point) with trip starting date on the horizontal axis, number of trips on the vertical axis, and points colored "black" for days with no rain and "deepskyblue" for days with rain. Make sure the legend is clear and that the x axis is easy to understand without being overly labeled (control this with scale_x_date). The title of the plot should be customized to say which region code is shown and which direction is analyzed (e.g. “Daily rides going to SLU”) using paste0(). Feel free to use whatever themeing you like on the plot or other tweaks to make it look great.
  • Returns the ggplot object with all its layers.

I have created a skeleton for this function. Fill in your code as needed and remember to set eval=TRUE in the chunk after you’ve written the function.

daily_rain_rides <- function(region_code, direction){

Then, test out your function: make three plots using daily_rain_rides(), trying out different values of the region code and direction to show it works.