Pick something to look at in the nycflights13
data and write up a .Rmd file showing your investigation. Upload both the .Rmd file and the .html file to Canvas. You must use at least once: mutate()
, summarize()
, group_by()
, and any join. Include at least one nicely formatted plot (ggplot2
) and one table (pander
). In plots and tables, use “nice” variable names (try out spaces!) and rounded values (<= 3 digits).
This time, include all your code in your output document (echo=TRUE
), using comments and line breaks separating commands so that it is clear to a peer what you are doing (or trying to do!). You must write up your observations briefly in words as well.
Note: If you want to see the nycflights13
dataframes in the environment, you will need to load each one: airlines
, airports
, flights
, planes
, and weather
(e.g. data(flights)