class: center, top, title-slide # CSSS508, Week 8 ## Strings ### Chuck Lanfear ### May 19, 2021
Updated: May 18, 2021 --- # Data Today We'll use data on food safety inspections in King County from []( Note these data are *fairly large*. You may want to save them and load them from a *local directory*. .small[ ```r library(tidyverse) restaurants <- read_csv("", * col_types = "ccccccccnnccicccciccciD") ``` ] .footnote[I recommend specifying the column types so they read in correctly.] --- .smallish[ ```r glimpse(restaurants) ``` ``` ## Rows: 258,630 ## Columns: 23 ## $ Name <chr> "@ THE SHACK, LLC ", "10 MERCER R~ ## $ Program_Identifier <chr> "SHACK COFFEE", "10 MERCER RESTAU~ ## $ Inspection_Date <chr> NA, "01/24/2017", "01/24/2017", "~ ## $ Description <chr> "Seating 0-12 - Risk Category I",~ ## $ Address <chr> "2920 SW AVALON WAY", "10 MERCER ~ ## $ City <chr> "Seattle", "Seattle", "Seattle", ~ ## $ Zip_Code <chr> "98126", "98109", "98109", "98109~ ## $ Phone <chr> "(206) 938-5665", NA, NA, NA, NA,~ ## $ Longitude <dbl> -122, -122, -122, -122, -122, -12~ ## $ Latitude <dbl> 47.6, 47.6, 47.6, 47.6, 47.6, 47.~ ## $ Inspection_Business_Name <chr> NA, "10 MERCER RESTAURANT", "10 M~ ## $ Inspection_Type <chr> NA, "Routine Inspection/Field Rev~ ## $ Inspection_Score <int> NA, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 0, 15~ ## $ Inspection_Result <chr> NA, "Unsatisfactory", "Unsatisfac~ ## $ Inspection_Closed_Business <chr> NA, "false", "false", "false", "f~ ## $ Violation_Type <chr> NA, "blue", "blue", "red", "blue"~ ## $ Violation_Description <chr> NA, "4300 - Non-food contact surf~ ## $ Violation_Points <int> 0, 3, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 5, 10, 25~ ## $ Business_ID <chr> "PR0048053", "PR0049572", "PR0049~ ## $ Inspection_Serial_Num <chr> NA, "DAHSIBSJT", "DAHSIBSJT", "DA~ ## $ Violation_Record_ID <chr> NA, "IV43WZVLN", "IVCQ1ZIV0", "IV~ ## $ Grade <int> NA, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,~ ## $ Date <date> NA, 2017-01-24, 2017-01-24, 2017~ ``` ] --- # Strings A general programming term for a unit of character data is a **string**, which is defined as *a sequence of characters*. In R the terms "strings" and "character data" are mostly interchangeable. -- In other languages, "string" often also refers to a *sequence* of numeric information, such as binary strings (e.g. "01110000 01101111 01101111 01110000"). We rarely use these in R. -- Note that these are *sequences* of numbers rather than single numbers, and thus *strings*. One thing that separates a string from a number is that the leading zeroes are meaningful: `01 != 1` --- class: inverse # String Basics --- # `nchar()` We've seen the `nchar()` function to get the number of characters in a string. How many characters are in the ZIP codes? ```r restaurants %>% mutate(ZIP_length = nchar(Zip_Code)) %>% count(ZIP_length) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 2 ## ZIP_length n ## <int> <int> ## 1 5 258629 ## 2 10 1 ``` --- # `substr()` You should be familiar with `substr()` from the homeworks. We can use it to pull out just the first 5 digits of the ZIP code. ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% mutate(ZIP_5 = substr(Zip_Code, 1, 5)) restaurants %>% distinct(ZIP_5) %>% head() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 1 ## ZIP_5 ## <chr> ## 1 98126 ## 2 98109 ## 3 98101 ## 4 98032 ## 5 98102 ## 6 98004 ``` --- # `paste()` We can combine parts of strings together using the `paste()` function, e.g. to make a whole mailing address: ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% mutate(mailing_address = paste(Address, ", ", City, ", WA ", ZIP_5, sep = "")) restaurants %>% distinct(mailing_address) %>% head() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 1 ## mailing_address ## <chr> ## 1 2920 SW AVALON WAY, Seattle, WA 98126 ## 2 10 MERCER ST, Seattle, WA 98109 ## 3 1001 FAIRVIEW AVE N Unit 1700A, SEATTLE, WA 98109 ## 4 1225 1ST AVE, SEATTLE, WA 98101 ## 5 18114 E VALLEY HWY, KENT, WA 98032 ## 6 121 11TH AVE E, SEATTLE, WA 98102 ``` --- # `paste0()` `paste0()` is a shortcut for `paste()` without any separator. ```r paste(1:5, letters[1:5]) # sep is a space by default ``` ``` ## [1] "1 a" "2 b" "3 c" "4 d" "5 e" ``` ```r paste(1:5, letters[1:5], sep ="") ``` ``` ## [1] "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e" ``` ```r paste0(1:5, letters[1:5]) ``` ``` ## [1] "1a" "2b" "3c" "4d" "5e" ``` --- # `paste()` Practice `sep=` controls what happens when doing entry-wise squishing of vectors you give to `paste()`, while `collapse=` controls if/how they go from a vector to a single string. Here are some examples; make sure you understand how each set of arguments produces its results: ```r paste(letters[1:5], collapse = "!") paste(1:5, letters[1:5], sep = "+") paste0(1:5, letters[1:5], collapse = "???") paste(1:5, "Z", sep = "*") paste(1:5, "Z", sep = "*", collapse = " ~ ") ``` ``` ## [1] "a!b!c!d!e" ## [1] "1+a" "2+b" "3+c" "4+d" "5+e" ## [1] "1a???2b???3c???4d???5e" ## [1] "1*Z" "2*Z" "3*Z" "4*Z" "5*Z" ## [1] "1*Z ~ 2*Z ~ 3*Z ~ 4*Z ~ 5*Z" ``` --- class: inverse # `stringr` .img-full[![](img/stringer.jpg)] --- # `stringr` `stringr` is yet another R package from the Tidyverse (like `ggplot2`, `dplyr`, `tidyr`, `lubridate`, `readr`). It provides functions that: * Replace some basic string functions like `paste()` and `nchar()` in a way that's a bit less touchy with missing values or factors * Remove whitespace or pad it out * Perform tasks related to **pattern matching**: Detect, locate, extract, match, replace, split. + These functions use **regular expressions** to describe patterns + Base R and `stringi` versions for these exist but are harder to use Conveniently, *most* `stringr` functions begin with "`str_`" to make RStudio auto-complete more useful. ```r library(stringr) ``` --- # `stringr` Equivalencies * `str_sub()` is like `substr()` but also lets you put in negative values to count backwards from the end (-1 is the end, -3 is third from end): ```r str_sub("Washington", 1, -3) ``` ``` ## [1] "Washingt" ``` -- * `str_c()` ("string combine") is just like `paste()` but where the default is `sep = ""` (like `paste0()`) ```r str_c(letters[1:5], 1:5) ``` ``` ## [1] "a1" "b2" "c3" "d4" "e5" ``` --- # `stringr` Equivalencies * `str_length()` is equivalent to `nchar()`: ```r nchar("weasels") ``` ``` ## [1] 7 ``` ```r str_length("weasels") ``` ``` ## [1] 7 ``` --- # Changing Cases `str_to_upper()`, `str_to_lower()`, `str_to_title()` convert cases, which is often a good idea to do before searching for values: ```r head(unique(restaurants$City)) ``` ``` ## [1] "Seattle" "SEATTLE" "KENT" "BELLEVUE" "KENMORE" "Issaquah" ``` ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% mutate(across(c(Name, Address, City), ~str_to_upper(.))) head(unique(restaurants$City)) ``` ``` ## [1] "SEATTLE" "KENT" "BELLEVUE" "KENMORE" "ISSAQUAH" "BURIEN" ``` --- # `str_trim()` Whitespace Extra leading or trailing whitespace is common in text data: ```r head(unique(restaurants$Name), 4) ``` ``` ## [1] "@ THE SHACK, LLC " "10 MERCER RESTAURANT" ## [3] "100 LB CLAM" "1000 SPIRITS" ``` -- Any character column is potentially affected. We can use the `str_trim()` function in `stringr` to clean them up all at once: ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% * mutate(across(where(is.character), ~str_trim(.))) head(unique(restaurants$Name), 4) ``` ``` ## [1] "@ THE SHACK, LLC" "10 MERCER RESTAURANT" ## [3] "100 LB CLAM" "1000 SPIRITS" ``` .footnote[`across(where(x), ~ y)` applies function `y` to every column for which function `x` returns `TRUE`.] --- class: inverse # Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching --- # What are Regular Expressions? **Regular expressions** or **regex**es are how we describe patterns we are looking for in text in a way that a computer can understand. We write an **expression**, apply it to a string input, and then can do things with **matches** we find. -- * **Literal characters** are defined snippets to search for like `SEA` or `206` -- * **Metacharacters** let us be flexible in describing patterns: + backslash `\`, caret `^`, dollar sign `$`, period `.`, pipe `|`, question mark `?`, asterisk `*`, plus sign `+`, parentheses `(` and `)`, square brackets `[` and `]`, curly braces `{` and `}` + To treat a metacharacter as a literal character, you must **escape** it with two preceding backslashs `\\`, e.g. to match `(206)` including the parentheses, you'd use `\\(206\\)` in your regex --- # `str_detect()` I want to get inspections for coffee shops. I'll say a coffee shop is anything that has "COFFEE", "ESPRESSO", or "ROASTER" in the name. The `regex` for this is `COFFEE|ESPRESSO|ROASTER` because `|` is a metacharacter that means "OR". Use the `str_detect()` function, which returns `TRUE` if it finds what you're looking for and `FALSE` if it doesn't (similar to `grepl()`): ```r coffee <- restaurants %>% filter(str_detect(Name, "COFFEE|ESPRESSO|ROASTER")) coffee %>% distinct(Name) %>% head() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 1 ## Name ## <chr> ## 1 2 SISTERS ESPRESSO ## 2 701 COFFEE ## 3 909 COFFEE AND WINE ## 4 AJ'S ESPRESSO ## 5 ALKI HOMEFRONT SMOOTHIES & ESPRESSO ## 6 ALL CITY COFFEE ``` --- # Will My Coffee Kill Me? Let's take each unique business identifier, keep the most recent inspection score, and look at a histogram of scores: .small[ ```r coffee %>% select(Business_ID, Name, Inspection_Score, Date) %>% group_by(Business_ID) %>% filter(Date == max(Date)) %>% distinct(.keep_all=TRUE) %>% ggplot(aes(Inspection_Score)) + geom_histogram(bins=8) + xlab("Most recent inspection score") + ylab("") + ggtitle("Histogram of inspection scores for Seattle coffee shops") ``` ![](CSSS508_Week8_strings_files/figure-html/coffee_histogram-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # `str_detect()`: Patterns Let's look for phone numbers whose first three digits are "206" using `str_detect()`. We will want it to work whether they have parentheses around the beginning or not, but NOT to match "206" occurring elsewhere: ```r area_code_206_pattern <- "^\\(?206" phone_test_examples <- c("2061234567", "(206)1234567", "(206) 123-4567", "555-206-1234") str_detect(phone_test_examples, area_code_206_pattern) ``` ``` ## [1] TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE ``` * `^` is a metacharacter meaning "look only at the *beginning* of the string" * `\\(?` means look for a left parenthesis (`\\(`), but it's optional (`?`) * `206` is the literal string to look for after the optional parenthesis --- # `str_view()` `stringr` also has a function called `str_view()` that allows you to see in the viewer pane *exactly* what text is being selected with a regular expression. ```r str_view(phone_test_examples, area_code_206_pattern) ``` This will generate a small web page in the viewer pane (but not in Markdown docs). Just be careful to not load an entire long vector / variable or it may crash RStudio as it tries to render a massive page! --- # `str_detect()` Perhaps we want to know how many phone numbers aren't in the 206 area code? ```r restaurants %>% mutate(has_206_number = str_detect(Phone, area_code_206_pattern)) %>% count(has_206_number) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 2 ## has_206_number n ## <lgl> <int> ## 1 FALSE 66655 ## 2 TRUE 109099 ## 3 NA 82876 ``` `str_detect()` returns `NA` for rows with missing (`NA`) phone numbers--you can't search for text in a missing value. --- # `str_extract()` `str_extract()` extracts substrings that match a regex. Let's extract the [directional part of Seattle]( of addresses: N, NW, SE, none, etc. -- ```r direction_pattern <- " (N|NW|NE|S|SW|SE|W|E)( |$)" direction_examples <- c("2812 THORNDYKE AVE W", "512 NW 65TH ST", "407 CEDAR ST", "15 NICKERSON ST") str_extract(direction_examples, direction_pattern) ``` ``` ## [1] " W" " NW " NA NA ``` * The first space will match a space character, then * `(N|NW|NE|S|SW|SE|W|E)` matches one of the directions in the group * `( |$)` is a group saying either there is a space after, or it's the end of the address string (`$` means the end of the string) --- # Where are the Addresses? ```r restaurants %>% distinct(Address) %>% mutate(city_region = * str_trim(str_extract(Address, direction_pattern))) %>% count(city_region) %>% arrange(desc(n)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 9 x 2 ## city_region n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 NE 2086 ## 2 S 1764 ## 3 <NA> 1745 ## 4 N 879 ## 5 SE 868 ## 6 SW 705 ## 7 E 538 ## 8 NW 438 ## 9 W 235 ``` .pull-right[ .footnote[ A common operation is to `str_extract()` something with extra spaces and then `str_trim()` them out. ] ] --- # `str_replace()`: Replacing Maybe we want to do a street-level analysis of inspections (e.g. compare The Ave to Pike Street). How can we remove building numbers? ```r number_pattern <- "^[0-9]*-?[A-Z]? (1/2 )?" number_examples <- c("2812 THORNDYKE AVE W", "1ST AVE", "10A 1ST AVE", "10-A 1ST AVE", "5201-B UNIVERSITY WAY NE", "7040 1/2 15TH AVE NW") str_replace(number_examples, number_pattern, replacement = "") ``` ``` ## [1] "THORNDYKE AVE W" "1ST AVE" "1ST AVE" ## [4] "1ST AVE" "UNIVERSITY WAY NE" "15TH AVE NW" ``` -- We can also use the shortcut `str_remove()`: ```r str_remove(number_examples, number_pattern) ``` ``` ## [1] "THORNDYKE AVE W" "1ST AVE" "1ST AVE" ## [4] "1ST AVE" "UNIVERSITY WAY NE" "15TH AVE NW" ``` --- # How Does the Building Number regex Work? Let's break down `"^[0-9]*-?[A-Z]? (1/2 )?"`: * `^[0-9]` means look for a digit between 0 and 9 (`[0-9]`) at the beginning (`^`) -- * `*` means potentially match more digits after that -- * `-?` means optionally (`?`) match a hyphen (`-`) -- * `[A-Z]?` means optionally match (`?`) a letter (`[A-Z]`) -- * Then we match a space (` `) -- * `(1/2 )?` optionally matches a 1/2 followed by a space since this is apparently a thing with some address numbers --- # Removing Street Numbers ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% mutate(street_only = str_remove(Address, number_pattern)) restaurants %>% distinct(street_only) %>% head(10) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 10 x 1 ## street_only ## <chr> ## 1 SW AVALON WAY ## 2 MERCER ST ## 3 FAIRVIEW AVE N UNIT 1700A ## 4 1ST AVE ## 5 E VALLEY HWY ## 6 11TH AVE E ## 7 112TH AVE NE #125 ## 8 NE BOTHELL WAY ## 9 NW GILMAN BL C-08 ## 10 NE 20TH ST STE 300 ``` --- # How About Units/Suites Too? Getting rid of unit/suite references is tricky, but a decent attempt would be to drop anything including and after "#", "STE", "SUITE", "SHOP", "UNIT": ```r unit_pattern <- " (#|STE|SUITE|SHOP|UNIT).*$" unit_examples <- c("1ST AVE", "RAINIER AVE S #A", "FAUNTLEROY WAY SW STE 108", "4TH AVE #100C", "NW 54TH ST") str_remove(unit_examples, unit_pattern) ``` ``` ## [1] "1ST AVE" "RAINIER AVE S" "FAUNTLEROY WAY SW" ## [4] "4TH AVE" "NW 54TH ST" ``` --- # How'd the Unit regex Work? Breaking down `" (#|STE|SUITE|SHOP|UNIT).*$"`: * First we match a space -- * `(#|STE|SUITE|SHOP|UNIT)` matches one of those words -- * `.*$` matches *any* character (`.`) after those words, zero or more times (`*`), until the end of the string (`$`) --- # Removing Units/Suites ```r restaurants <- restaurants %>% mutate(street_only = str_trim(str_remove(street_only, unit_pattern))) restaurants %>% distinct(street_only) %>% head(11) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 11 x 1 ## street_only ## <chr> ## 1 SW AVALON WAY ## 2 MERCER ST ## 3 FAIRVIEW AVE N ## 4 1ST AVE ## 5 E VALLEY HWY ## 6 11TH AVE E ## 7 112TH AVE NE ## 8 NE BOTHELL WAY ## 9 NW GILMAN BL C-08 ## 10 NE 20TH ST ## 11 S ORCAS ST ``` .pull-right[.footnote[For serious work, we would want to also look into special cases like "C-08" here.]] --- # Where Does Danger Lurk? Let's get the number of 45+ point inspections occurring on every street. ```r restaurants %>% filter(Inspection_Score > 45) %>% distinct(Business_ID, Date, Inspection_Score, street_only) %>% count(street_only) %>% arrange(desc(n)) %>% head(n=5) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 5 x 2 ## street_only n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 UNIVERSITY WAY NE 108 ## 2 S JACKSON ST 105 ## 3 PACIFIC HWY S 90 ## 4 NE 24TH ST 76 ## 5 RAINIER AVE S 70 ``` --- # Splitting up Strings You can split up strings using `tidyr::separate()`, seen in Week 5. Another option is `str_split()`, which will split strings based on a pattern separating parts and put these components in a list. `str_split_fixed()` will do that but with a matrix instead (thus can't have varying numbers of separators): .small[ ```r head(str_split_fixed(restaurants$Violation_Description, " - ", n = 2)) ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] "" ## [2,] "4300" ## [3,] "4800" ## [4,] "1200" ## [5,] "4100" ## [6,] "2120" ## [,2] ## [1,] "" ## [2,] "Non-food contact surfaces maintained and clean" ## [3,] "Physical facilities properly installed,..." ## [4,] "Proper shellstock ID; wild mushroom ID; parasite destruction procedures for fish" ## [5,] "Warewashing facilities properly installed,..." ## [6,] "Proper cold holding temperatures ( 42 degrees F to 45 degrees F)" ``` ] --- # Making Sentences Maybe we have a report or website where we need text dynamically generated from data. Lets prep some recent scores first. ```r library(lubridate) recent_scores <- restaurants %>% select(Name, Address, City, Inspection_Score, Inspection_Date) %>% filter(! %>% group_by(Name) %>% arrange(desc(Inspection_Score)) %>% slice(1) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate_at(vars(Name, Address, City), ~ str_to_title(.)) %>% mutate(Inspection_Date = mdy(Inspection_Date)) %>% sample_n(3) ``` --- ## With `paste()` We can give *many* arguments to string a sentence together. ```r library(scales) # for ordinal day text recent_scores %>% mutate(text_desc = paste(Name, "is located at", Address, "in", City, "and received a score of", Inspection_Score, "on", month(Inspection_Date, label=TRUE, abbr=FALSE), paste0(ordinal(day(Inspection_Date)),","), paste0(year(Inspection_Date), "."))) %>% select(text_desc) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 1 ## text_desc ## <chr> ## 1 Supreme Bean Again is located at 14424 Ambaum Bl Sw in Burien and r~ ## 2 Mandarin Garden is located at 40 E Sunset Way in Issaquah and recei~ ## 3 Flapjacks Waffle House is located at 13806 1st Ave S in Burien and ~ ``` --- ## With `glue` Or we can use `str_glue`, `paste()`'s more sophisticated sibling which uses [the `glue` package]( Variables and functions just go inside `{ }` and you can create temporary variables for convenience. ```r (score_text <- recent_scores %>% mutate(text_desc = str_glue("{Name} is located at {Address} in {City} ", "and received a score of {Inspection_Score} ", "on {month(when, label=TRUE, abbr=FALSE)} ", "{ordinal(day(when))}, {year(when)}.", when = Inspection_Date)) %>% select(text_desc)) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 1 ## text_desc ## <glue> ## 1 Supreme Bean Again is located at 14424 Ambaum Bl Sw in Burien and r~ ## 2 Mandarin Garden is located at 40 E Sunset Way in Issaquah and recei~ ## 3 Flapjacks Waffle House is located at 13806 1st Ave S in Burien and ~ ``` --- # `str_wrap()` and `\n` The previous output will work fine for in-line Markdown, but it runs off the edge of the console. It also won't wrap in many tables and images. We can add regular linebreaks using `str_wrap()` or manually with `"\n"`. ```r score_text %>% pull(text_desc) %>% * str_wrap(width = 70) %>% * paste0("\n\n") %>% # add two linebreaks as a paragraph break cat() # cat combines text and prints it ``` ``` ## Supreme Bean Again is located at 14424 Ambaum Bl Sw in Burien and ## received a score of 10 on January 24th, 2017. ## ## Mandarin Garden is located at 40 E Sunset Way in Issaquah and received ## a score of 72 on March 9th, 2007. ## ## Flapjacks Waffle House is located at 13806 1st Ave S in Burien and ## received a score of 45 on October 3rd, 2008. ``` --- # Other Useful `stringr` Functions `str_pad(string, width, side, pad)`: Adds "padding" to any string to make it a given minimum width. `str_subset(string, pattern)`: Returns all elements that contain matches of the pattern. `str_which(string, pattern)`: Returns numeric indices of elements that match the pattern. `str_replace_all(string, pattern, replacement)`: Performs multiple replacements simultaneously `str_squish(string)`: Trims spaces around a string but also removes duplicate spaces inside it. --- class: inverse # Coming Up Homework 6, Part 2 is due next week, and peer reviews due the week after.