class: center, top, title-slide # CSSS508, Week 7 ## Vectorization and Functions ### Chuck Lanfear ### May 12, 2021
Updated: May 18, 2021 --- class: inverse # A Quick Aside --- # Visualize the Goal First Before you can write effective code, you need to know *exactly* what you want that code to produce. -- * Do I want a single value? A vector? List? * Do I want one observation per person? Person-year? Year? -- Most programming problems can be reduced to having an unclear idea of your end **goal** (or your beginning state). -- If you know what you *have* (the data structure) and what you *want*, the intermediate steps are usually obvious. -- When in doubt, *sketch* the beginning state and the intended end state. Then consider what translates the former into the latter in the least complicated way. -- If that seems complex, break it into more steps. --- class: inverse # Vectorization --- # Example from Last Week Remember when we tried find the mean for each variable in the `swiss` data? The best solution is to just use `colMeans()` without even thinking about pre-allocation or `for()` loops: ```r colMeans(swiss) ``` ``` ## Fertility Agriculture Examination Education ## 70.1 50.7 16.5 11.0 ## Catholic Infant.Mortality ## 41.1 19.9 ``` --- # Vectorization Avoids Loops Loops are very powerful and applicable in almost any situation. -- They are also often slower and require writing more code than vectorized commands. -- Whenever possible, use existing vectorized commands like `colMeans()` or `dplyr` functions. -- Sometimes no functions exist to do what you need, so you'll be tempted to write a loop. This makes sense on a *fast, one-time operation, on small data*. -- If your data are large or you're going to do it repeatedly, however, consider *writing your own functions*! --- class: inverse # Writing Functions --- # Examples of Existing Functions * `mean()`: + Input: a vector + Output: a single number -- * `dplyr::filter()`: + Input: a data frame, logical conditions + Output: a data frame with rows removed using those conditions -- * `readr::read_csv()`: + Input: a file path, optionally variable names or types + Output: a data frame containing info read in from file --- # Why Write Your Own Functions? Functions can encapsulate actions you might perform often, such as: -- * Given a vector, compute some special summary stats * Given a vector and definition of "invalid" values, replace with `NA` * Templates for favorite `ggplot`s used in reports * Defining a new logical operator -- Advanced function applications (not covered in this class): * Parallel processing * Generating *other* functions * Making custom packages containing your functions --- # Simple Function Let's look at a function that takes a vector as input and outputs a named vector of the first and last elements: ```r first_and_last <- function(x) { first <- x[1] last <- x[length(x)] return(c("first" = first, "last" = last)) } ``` -- Test it out: ```r first_and_last(c(4, 3, 1, 8)) ``` ``` ## first last ## 4 8 ``` --- # Testing `first_and_last` What if I give `first_and_last()` a vector of length 1? ```r first_and_last(7) ``` ``` ## first last ## 7 7 ``` -- Of length 0? ```r first_and_last(numeric(0)) ``` ``` ## first ## NA ``` -- Maybe we want it to be a little smarter. --- # Checking Inputs Let's make sure we get an error message when the vector is too small: ```r smarter_first_and_last <- function(x) { if(length(x) == 0L) { # specify integers with L * stop("The input has no length!") } else { first <- x[1] last <- x[length(x)] return(c("first" = first, "last" = last)) } } ``` .footnote[`stop()` ceases running the function and prints the text inside as an error message.] --- # Testing Smarter Function ```r smarter_first_and_last(numeric(0)) ``` ``` ## Error in smarter_first_and_last(numeric(0)): The input has no length! ``` ```r smarter_first_and_last(c(4, 3, 1, 8)) ``` ``` ## first last ## 4 8 ``` --- # Cracking Open Functions If you type a function name without any parentheses or arguments, you can see its contents: ```r smarter_first_and_last ``` ``` ## function(x) { ## if(length(x) == 0L) { # specify integers with L ## stop("The input has no length!") #<< ## } else { ## first <- x[1] ## last <- x[length(x)] ## return(c("first" = first, "last" = last)) ## } ## } ## <environment: 0x00000148e60609d0> ``` You can also put your cursor over a function in your syntax and hit `F2`. --- # Anatomy of a Function .small[ ```r NAME <- function(ARGUMENT1, ARGUMENT2=DEFAULT){ BODY return(OUTPUT) } ``` ] * **Name**: What you assign the function to so you can use it later + You can have "anonymous" (no-name) functions -- * **Arguments** (aka inputs, parameters): things the user passes to the function that affect how it works + e.g. `x` or `na.rm` in `my_new_func <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {...}` + `na.rm = FALSE` is example of setting a default value: if user doesn't say what `na.rm` is, it'll be `FALSE` + `x`, `na.rm` values won't exist in R outside of the function -- * **Body**: The actual operations inside the function. -- * **Return Value**: The output inside `return()`. Could be a vector, list, data frame, another function, or even nothing + If unspecified, will be the last thing calculated (maybe not what you want?) --- # Example: Reporting Quantiles Maybe you want to know more detailed quantile information than `summary()` gives you and with interpretable names. Here's a starting point: .smallish[ ```r quantile_report <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) { quants <- quantile(x, na.rm = na.rm, probs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95, 0.99)) names(quants) <- c("Bottom 1%", "Bottom 5%", "Bottom 10%", "Bottom 25%", "Median", "Top 25%", "Top 10%", "Top 5%", "Top 1%") return(quants) } quantile_report(rnorm(10000)) ``` ``` ## Bottom 1% Bottom 5% Bottom 10% Bottom 25% Median Top 25% ## -2.34863 -1.64252 -1.28831 -0.65889 -0.00165 0.67332 ## Top 10% Top 5% Top 1% ## 1.28503 1.63437 2.27336 ``` ] --- class: inverse # An Aside on Apply functions --- ### Don't Loop, `apply()` Yourself Instead Writing loops is challenging, particularly for new coders. Loops also require writing a lot of code and are hard to troubleshoot. -- But loops aren't the only way to iterate in R. -- Like a loop, `apply` functions iterate over elements of objects, except: * They don't need preallocation--you can directly assign the output. * They *must use a function* *Nearly anything you can do with an explicit loop can be done more easily with the `apply` family of functions* --- # `lapply()`: List + Functions `lapply()` is used to **apply** a function over a **l**ist of any kind (e.g. a data frame) and return a list. This is a lot easier than preparing a `for()` loop! ```r lapply(swiss, FUN = quantile_report) ``` .small[ ``` ## $Fertility ## Bottom 1% Bottom 5% Bottom 10% Bottom 25% Median Top 25% ## 38.6 47.6 56.2 64.7 70.4 78.4 ## Top 10% Top 5% Top 1% ## 84.6 90.7 92.5 ## ## $Agriculture ## Bottom 1% Bottom 5% Bottom 10% Bottom 25% Median Top 25% ## 4.19 15.65 17.36 35.90 54.10 67.65 ## Top 10% Top 5% Top 1% ## 76.82 84.81 87.95 ## ## $Examination ## Bottom 1% Bottom 5% Bottom 10% Bottom 25% Median Top 25% ## 3.0 5.0 6.0 12.0 16.0 22.0 ## Top 10% Top 5% Top 1% ## 26.0 30.4 36.1 ``` ] --- ## `sapply()`: Simple `lapply()` A downside to `lapply()` is that lists are hard to work with. `sapply()` **s**implifies the output by making each element a column in a matrix... usually: .small[ ```r sapply(swiss, FUN = quantile_report) ``` ``` ## Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic ## Bottom 1% 38.6 4.19 3.0 1.46 2.21 ## Bottom 5% 47.6 15.65 5.0 2.00 2.45 ## Bottom 10% 56.2 17.36 6.0 3.00 2.83 ## Bottom 25% 64.7 35.90 12.0 6.00 5.20 ## Median 70.4 54.10 16.0 8.00 15.14 ## Top 25% 78.4 67.65 22.0 12.00 93.12 ## Top 10% 84.6 76.82 26.0 23.20 99.00 ## Top 5% 90.7 84.81 30.4 29.00 99.61 ## Top 1% 92.5 87.95 36.1 43.34 99.87 ## Infant.Mortality ## Bottom 1% 12.8 ## Bottom 5% 15.6 ## Bottom 10% 16.4 ## Bottom 25% 18.1 ## Median 20.0 ## Top 25% 21.7 ## Top 10% 23.7 ## Top 5% 24.5 ## Top 1% 25.8 ``` ] --- # `apply()` There is also `apply()` which works over matrices or data frames. You can apply the function to each row (`MARGIN = 1`) or column (`MARGIN = 2`). .small[ ```r apply(swiss, MARGIN = 2, FUN = quantile_report) ``` ``` ## Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic ## Bottom 1% 38.6 4.19 3.0 1.46 2.21 ## Bottom 5% 47.6 15.65 5.0 2.00 2.45 ## Bottom 10% 56.2 17.36 6.0 3.00 2.83 ## Bottom 25% 64.7 35.90 12.0 6.00 5.20 ## Median 70.4 54.10 16.0 8.00 15.14 ## Top 25% 78.4 67.65 22.0 12.00 93.12 ## Top 10% 84.6 76.82 26.0 23.20 99.00 ## Top 5% 90.7 84.81 30.4 29.00 99.61 ## Top 1% 92.5 87.95 36.1 43.34 99.87 ## Infant.Mortality ## Bottom 1% 12.8 ## Bottom 5% 15.6 ## Bottom 10% 16.4 ## Bottom 25% 18.1 ## Median 20.0 ## Top 25% 21.7 ## Top 10% 23.7 ## Top 5% 24.5 ## Top 1% 25.8 ``` ] --- # Data Loading with Loop Remember the loop for loading data files from last week? ```r library(dplyr); library(readr) file_list <- list.files("./example_data/") file_paths <- paste0("./example_data/", file_list) data_names <- stringr::str_remove(file_list, ".csv") data_list <- vector("list", length(file_list)) names(data_list) <- data_names for (i in seq_along(file_list)){ data_list[[ data_names[i] ]] <- read_csv(file_paths[i]) } complete_data <- bind_rows(data_list) head(complete_data, 3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 3 ## id x z ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 44 0.516 0.381 ## 2 49 2.17 0.346 ## 3 50 -0.122 0.711 ``` --- # Data Loading with `lapply()` Another way to load these files would be to... `lapply()` over the file names then bind the rows together. Faster and easier! ```r complete_data <- lapply(file_paths, read_csv) %>% bind_rows() head(complete_data, 3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 3 ## id x z ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 44 0.516 0.381 ## 2 49 2.17 0.346 ## 3 50 -0.122 0.711 ``` --- # Data Loading with `vroom` The fastest and easiest way is to use a fully vectorized data loading function, like `vroom::vroom()`! ```r library(vroom) complete_data <- vroom(file_paths) head(complete_data, 3) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 3 ## id x z ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 44 0.516 0.381 ## 2 49 2.17 0.346 ## 3 50 -0.122 0.711 ``` Just give `vroom()` a vector of file locations and it determines their delimiter, loads them all (crazy fast), and binds them into one dataframe. --- ## From Loop to `apply()` Converting code in a loop to an `apply` function is straightforward: 1. What you iterate over in the loop (e.g. `seq_along(x)`) becomes the first input. 2. The body of the loop becomes a function. * This function should take only the iterator index (e.g. `i`) as an input. 3. Assign the output to what your loop stored values in. --- # Loop vs. Apply ```r loop_vec <- numeric(5) # Preallocation! for(x in seq_along(loop_vec)){ # Change x to 1,2,3,4,5 loop_vec[x] <- x^2 # Write x squared to loop_vec } loop_vec ``` ``` ## [1] 1 4 9 16 25 ``` `seq_along(loop_vec)` is just `1:5`, but we need the empty `loop_vec` to store results. -- ```r # No preallocation, just iterate over 1:5 and assign output! apply_vec <- sapply(1:5, function(x){x^2}) apply_vec ``` ``` ## [1] 1 4 9 16 25 ``` For apply functions, we don't need to prellocate, so we just `sapply()` over `1:5` directly. --- class: inverse ## Back to Making and Using Functions! --- # Example: Discretizing Continuous Data Maybe you often want to bucket variables in your data into groups based on quantiles: | Person | Income | Income Bucket | |:------:|-------:|--------------:| | 1 | 8000 | 1 | | 2 | 103000 | 3 | | 3 | 12000 | 1 | | 4 | 52000 | 2 | | 5 | 150000 | 3 | | 6 | 45000 | 2 | --- # Bucketing Function There's already a function in R called `cut()` that does this, but you need to tell it breaks or the number of buckets. Let's make a function that calls `cut()` using quantiles (`quants`) for splitting and returns integers: ```r *bucket <- function(x, quants = c(0.333, 0.667)) { # set low extreme, quantile points, high extreme * new_breaks <- c(min(x)-1, quantile(x, probs = quants), max(x)+1) # labels = FALSE will return integer codes instead of ranges return(cut(x, breaks = new_breaks, labels = FALSE)) } ``` -- By default this will produce *three buckets*: 1. Anything below 33.3rd percentile 2. Anthing from 33.3rd to 66.7th 3. Anything above 66.7th -- .pull-right[ .footnote[ To capture all high/low values, we start with `min(x)-1` and end with `max(x)+1`. ] ] --- # Trying Out `bucket()` .smallish[ ```r dat <- rnorm(100) dat_quants <- c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95) bucketed_dat <- bucket(dat, quants = dat_quants) plot(x = bucketed_dat, y = dat, main = "Buckets and values", pch = 16) abline(h = quantile(dat, dat_quants), lty = "dashed", col = "red") ``` <!-- --> ] --- # Example: Removing Bad Data Let's say we have data where impossible values occur:<sup>1</sup> .smallish[ ```r (school_data <- data.frame(school = letters[1:10], pr_passing_exam=c(0.78, 0.55, 0.91, -1, 0.88, 0.81, 0.90, 0.76, 99, 99), pr_free_lunch = c(0.33, 99, 0.25, 0.05, 0.12, 0.09, 0.22, -13, 0.21, 99))) ``` ``` ## school pr_passing_exam pr_free_lunch ## 1 a 0.78 0.33 ## 2 b 0.55 99.00 ## 3 c 0.91 0.25 ## 4 d -1.00 0.05 ## 5 e 0.88 0.12 ## 6 f 0.81 0.09 ## 7 g 0.90 0.22 ## 8 h 0.76 -13.00 ## 9 i 99.00 0.21 ## 10 j 99.00 99.00 ``` ] .footnote[[1] Different types of missing data are often coded this way in survey and administrative data sets.] --- # Function to Remove Extreme Values Goal: * Input: a vector `x`, cutoff for `low`, cutoff for `high` * Output: a vector with `NA` in the extreme places -- ```r remove_extremes <- function(x, low, high) { x_no_low <- ifelse(x < low, NA, x) x_no_low_no_high <- ifelse(x_no_low > high, NA, x) return(x_no_low_no_high) } remove_extremes(school_data$pr_passing_exam, low = 0, high = 1) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.78 0.55 0.91 NA 0.88 0.81 0.90 0.76 NA NA ``` --- # `dplyr::across()` The `dplyr` function `across()` allows us to a function to every variable (besides `school`) to update the columns in `school_data`: .smallish[ ```r library(dplyr) school_data %>% mutate(across(-school, ~ remove_extremes(x = ., low = 0, high = 1))) ``` ``` ## school pr_passing_exam pr_free_lunch ## 1 a 0.78 0.33 ## 2 b 0.55 NA ## 3 c 0.91 0.25 ## 4 d NA 0.05 ## 5 e 0.88 0.12 ## 6 f 0.81 0.09 ## 7 g 0.90 0.22 ## 8 h 0.76 NA ## 9 i NA 0.21 ## 10 j NA NA ``` ] --- # (Non-)Standard Evaluation `dplyr` uses what is called **non-standard evaluation** that lets you refer to "naked" variables (no quotes around them) like `school`. `dplyr` verbs (like `mutate()`) recently started supporting **standard evaluation** allowing you to use quoted object names as well. This makes writing functions and loops with `dplyr` easier. ```r swiss %>% select("Fertility", "Catholic") %>% head(2) ``` ``` ## Fertility Catholic ## Courtelary 80.2 9.96 ## Delemont 83.1 84.84 ``` --- # Anonymous Functions in `dplyr` You can skip naming your function in `dplyr` if you won't use it again. Code below will return the mean divided by the standard deviation for each variable in `swiss`: .smallish[ ```r swiss %>% summarize(across(everything(), ~ mean(., na.rm=TRUE) / sd(., na.rm=TRUE))) ``` ``` ## Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic ## 1 5.62 2.23 2.07 1.14 0.987 ## Infant.Mortality ## 1 6.85 ``` ] --- # Anonymous `lapply()` Like with `dplyr`, you can use anonymous functions in `lapply()`<sup>1</sup>, but a difference is you'll need to have the `function()` part at the beginning: .smallish[ ```r lapply(swiss, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) / sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)) ``` ] ``` ## $Fertility ## [1] 5.62 ## ## $Agriculture ## [1] 2.23 ## ## $Examination ## [1] 2.07 ## ## $Education ## [1] 1.14 ## ## $Catholic ## [1] 0.987 ``` .pull-right[ .footnote[ [1] Note that `lapply()` produces a list as output. You could instead use `sapply()` to get a vector. ] ] --- class: inverse # Extended Example: ## `ggplot2` Templates --- # Flexible `ggplot2` Let's say you have a particular way you like your charts: ```r library(gapminder); library(ggplot2) ggplot(gapminder %>% filter(country == "Afghanistan"), aes(x = year, y = pop / 1000000)) + geom_line(color = "firebrick") + xlab(NULL) + ylab("Population (millions)") + ggtitle("Population of Afghanistan since 1952") + theme_minimal() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 20)) ``` -- * How could we make this flexible for any country? -- * How could we make this flexible for any `gapminder` variable? --- # Example of Desired Chart <!-- --> --- # Another Example <!-- --> --- # Making Country Flexible We can have the user input a character string for `cntry` as an argument to the function to get subsetting and the title right: ```r gapminder_lifeplot <- function(cntry) { * ggplot(gapminder %>% filter(country == cntry), aes(x = year, y = lifeExp)) + geom_line(color = "firebrick") + xlab(NULL) + ylab("Life expectancy") + theme_minimal() + * ggtitle(paste0("Life expectancy in ", cntry, " since 1952")) + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 20)) } ``` What `cntry` does: * `filter()` to the specific value of `cntry` * Add text value of `cntry` in `ggtitle()` --- # Testing Plot Function ```r gapminder_lifeplot(cntry = "Turkey") ``` <!-- --> --- # Testing Plot Function ```r gapminder_lifeplot(cntry = "Rwanda") ``` <!-- --> --- # Making `y` Value Flexible Now let's allow the user to say which variable they want on the y-axis. How we can get the right labels for the axis and title? We can use a named character vector to serve as a "lookup table" inside the function: .smallish[ ```r y_axis_label <- c("lifeExp" = "Life expectancy", "pop" = "Population (millions)", "gdpPercap" = "GDP per capita, USD") title_text <- c("lifeExp" = "Life expectancy in ", "pop" = "Population of ", "gdpPercap" = "GDP per capita in ") # example use: y_axis_label["pop"] ``` ``` ## pop ## "Population (millions)" ``` ```r title_text["pop"] ``` ``` ## pop ## "Population of " ``` ] --- # `aes_string()` `ggplot()` is usually looking for "naked" variables, but we can tell it to take them as quoted strings (standard evaluation) using `aes_string()` instead of `aes()`, which is handy when making functions: ```r gapminder_plot <- function(cntry, yvar) { y_axis_label <- c("lifeExp" = "Life expectancy", "pop" = "Population (millions)", * "gdpPercap" = "GDP per capita, USD")[yvar] title_text <- c("lifeExp" = "Life expectancy in ", "pop" = "Population of ", * "gdpPercap" = "GDP per capita in ")[yvar] * ggplot(gapminder %>% filter(country == cntry) %>% mutate(pop = pop / 1000000), * aes_string(x = "year", y = yvar)) + geom_line(color = "firebrick") + * ggtitle(paste0(title_text, cntry, " since 1952")) + xlab(NULL) + ylab(y_axis_label) + theme_minimal() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 20)) } ``` --- # Testing `gapminder_plot()` ```r gapminder_plot(cntry = "Turkey", yvar = "pop") ``` <!-- --> --- # Testing `gapminder_plot()` ```r gapminder_plot(cntry = "Rwanda", yvar = "gdpPercap") ``` <!-- --> --- class: inverse # Making an Operator --- # Opposite of `%in%` `%in%` returns `TRUE` where elements on its left equal any element on the right. .smallish[ ```r us_ca <- c("Canada", "United States") gapminder %>% filter(country %in% us_ca) %>% distinct(country) %>% head(2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 1 ## country ## <fct> ## 1 Canada ## 2 United States ``` ] We can invert this to get the opposite, but it looks a bit awkward: .smallish[ ```r gapminder %>% filter(!country %in% us_ca) %>% distinct(country) %>% head(2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 1 ## country ## <fct> ## 1 Afghanistan ## 2 Albania ``` ] --- # `%!in%` We can *invert* or **negate**<sup>1</sup> `%in%` to get a "not in" operator: ```r `%!in%` <- Negate(`%in%`) ``` To make a new operator, you need to put it in backticks. ```r gapminder %>% * filter(country %!in% us_ca) %>% # Our new operator! distinct(country) %>% head(2) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 1 ## country ## <fct> ## 1 Afghanistan ## 2 Albania ``` .footnote[[1] `Negate()` produces logical negations of *functions*, inverting their output.<br> e.g.: `isnt.numeric <- Negate(is.numeric)` ] --- class: inverse # Wrapping Up --- # Debugging Something not working as hoped? Try using `debug()` on a function, which will show you the world as perceived from inside the function: ```r debug(gapminder_plot) ``` Then when you've fixed your problem, use `undebug()` so that you won't go into debug mode every time you run it: ```r undebug(gapminder_plot) ``` --- # Overview: The Process Data processing can be very complicated, with many valid ways of accomplishing it. I believe the best general approach is the following: -- 1. Look carefully at the **starting data** to figure out what you can get from them. -- 2. Determine *precisely* what you want the **end product** to look like. -- 3. Identify individual steps needed to go from Step 1 to Step 2. -- 4. Make each discrete step its own set of functions or function calls. + If any step is confusing or complicated, **break it into more steps**. -- 5. Complete each step *separately and in order*. + Do not continue until a step is producing what you need for the next step. + **Do not worry about combining steps for efficiency until everything works**. -- Once finished, if you need to do this again, *convert the prior steps into functions*! --- # Bonus Function My lectures are rendered with a function! .smallish[ ```r render_and_print_slides <- function(week){ week_dir <- paste0(getwd(), "/Lectures/", "Week", week, "/") current_rmd <- paste0(week_dir, stringr::str_subset(list.files(week_dir), "^CSSS508_Week.*\\.Rmd$")) rmarkdown::render(current_rmd, encoding = "UTF-8") current_html <- stringr::str_replace(current_rmd, "\\.Rmd", "\\.html") new_pdf_file <- stringr::str_replace(current_html, "\\.html", "\\.pdf") new_r_script <- stringr::str_replace(current_html, "\\.html", "\\.R") message("Slides rendered, waiting 5 seconds.") Sys.sleep(5) message("Purling slides.") knitr::purl(input = current_rmd, output = new_r_script, documentation = 0) message("Printing from Chrome.") pagedown::chrome_print(current_html, format="pdf") message(paste0("Printing complete at ", week_dir)) } ``` ] I give it a numeric week and it (1) finds the lecture `.Rmd`, (2) knits the slides, (3) creates a `.R` file, (4) then opens the slides in Chrome and prints a PDF. --- class: inverse # Homework [Download]( and analyze data from the first year of Seattle's Pronto! bike sharing program. Using the provided template, you will write: 1. A loop (or `lapply()`) to read in the data from multiple files. * Don't just use `vroom()`! 2. Functions to clean up the data 3. A function to visualize ridership over the first year. There is some string processing needed—much of which you have already seen or can probably Google—but *some will come in the next lecture*. I give suggestions in the template, but I can cover string processing in detail in lab if needed before the homework is due. ### PART 1 DUE: Next week ### PART 2 DUE: In two weeks